Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources

Monastir Science Palace (MSP) is a non-governmental scientific establishment that focuses on technology, environment, and education. The MSP’s main mission is to create an intellectual, cultural, and scientific dynamic among different categories of citizens. It facilitates the transition of scientific information to the general public by explaining the integration of science and technology in their daily lives.

Because our planet is the most important thing and we should preserve it, MSP is doing its best to increase awareness of all citizens about energy provision and climate-change prevention. MSP raises awareness of these issues by hosting many events and producing videos that explain the risks of water shortages, extreme weather, ecosystem loss, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise, which are real dangers threatening development.

The need for sustainable development initiates the mobilization of science and technology through many ways. MSP encourages science and technology clubs for students to research and create new ways to save energy and make life easier and better.

Our role in MSP is also to trigger the curiosity of young learners and give them equal opportunities to have a certain amount of knowledge. This goal is fulfilled through our Mobile Science Program. The program reaches the poorest schools, youth houses, and associations in all regions of Tunisia; it gives them the chance to become familiar with scientific culture, experiments, and interactive workshops.